ASA Rainbow Distance Awards

The ASA Rainbow Distance Awards are designed to complement the 10 stages of the ASA Learn to Swim Framework.

They are a range of bright, cheerful badges and certificates to help keep your child motivated while working through the individual Learn to Swim stages.

More about the ASA Rainbow Awards

Swimming ability and stamina are the focus of the 19 Rainbow Distance Awards. Children over five-years-old can work their way from the five metres with buoyancy aid Puffin award through to the 5,000m award, depending on which stage of the ASA Learn to Swim Framework they have attained.

If your child is working through Stages 1-7 of the Framework they can also work up to the 200m Rainbow Distance Award. Learners on stages 8-10 can secure up to the 1,500m award. Swimmers who have completed all stages can strive for 5,000m.

If your child doesn’t want to stop at distance and fancies a further challenge, then the ASA has devised the Rainbow Stroke Awards to act as a further incentive to improve.

“On a note of caution, please be aware that your child securing Rainbow Distance Awards is not an indication that he or she is safe in deep water. The ASA has designed specific awards for safety and surviva.”

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Atlantis Swimming Academy has earned itself an excellent reputation for providing very high standards of tuition and also for its friendly and caring teaching environment.